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HomeYoga10 Yoga Stretches That Help Banish Belly Bloating

10 Yoga Stretches That Help Banish Belly Bloating

Now and then, intestinal problems affect our normal life schedule. One of the most common intestinal problems is stomach bloating. Bloating of the stomach can happen due to many reasons. We take medicines to get relief when the situation worsens. You can also try certain Yoga stretches to get rid of stomach bloating.   Consider switching to the age-old yoga practice o get rid of stomach bloating naturally. These stretches help in loosening the abdominal muscles and stimulate digestion. 

Whether you have stomach bloating due to eating the animal-based product, too many fibre-based goods, problems in the digestive system, or any other health issue, your discomfort can go away if you try out the yoga stretches discussed below. 

Here are ten important stretches 

For bloating relief and good digestion, practice these yoga poses listed below.


That “wind relieving posture” is another name for this position. It does not just aid in digestion improvement and gas accumulation release, but this also aids in systemic detoxification.

Supta Matsyendrasana:

This position, sometimes referred to as this Spine Twist, is excellent for digestion because it improves blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the gut.


It is beneficial for digestion since it assists you in discharging all the air that is stopping your bowels from working correctly and is often referred to as this Garland Pose.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:

It will loosen up your belly, enabling blood to circulate freely as well as, as a result, reducing discomfort and pain. This pose is also referred to as the classic bridge pose.


This position, commonly referred to as this “Cat-Cow Bend,” reduces bloating by simultaneously extending and compressing the belly.

Spinal Twist While Sitting On One Leg:

This one-legged sitting spinal twist is one of the most effective yoga poses for reducing stomach bloating. It gives relief from belly bloating and also strengthens the spinal cord. 

Sit with both legs stretched forward to create this posture. Your right knee should now be gradually bent with the heel positioned near the torso. Stretch behind the back with your right arm, as well as rest your palm there. 

To aid in twisting, place the left elbow over the outer of the right knee. Maintain this posture for five or more minutes, extending your stretch a little bit further with each exhalation. Loosen your twisting at the end, and then continue with the opposite side.

Forward Fold While Standing:

This Standing Forward Folding is an easy position that helps the digestive fluids flow normally, better digestion, and reduces bloating. Take one deep breath while standing tall with your arms over your hips. 

When you exhale, bow forward towards the waist, being careful to maintain an upright back and spine. If this is too challenging, please try to bend your upper torso resting up on top of the thighs while bending your knees.

Pranayama (Kapal Bhati):

It is beneficial in treating digestive disorders, obesity, stomach disorders, and many other issues. You have to sit comfortably and keep your spine erect. Keep your hands on your knees. Take a deep breath. While exhaling, you have to pull your abdomen towards the back. When you relax your abdomen, the air gets into your lungs. Do it 20 times for one round. 


Bloating can be significantly minimized by using this technique. It increases blood flow and aids in mental relaxation. This is additionally beneficial to the neurological, endocrine, as well as respiratory systems.

Breathing deeply:

Although it seems easy, this would be the most crucial action of all. Pranayama is mostly about focusing on breathing, and some easy deep breathing techniques can assist in relieving tension and worry and improve your digestive system.

How do you reduce the bloating of the stomach?

Consume very slowly:

Eating more carefully and properly chewing food is among the best strategies to combat bloat.

Eat mindfully:

While eating, you should avoid doing other work such as watching TV or reading books. Eating mindfully helps in proper digestion and will reduce stomach bloating. 

Take a walk:

Exercise can help your bowels move more often, which can aid in releasing extra gas and faeces. A quick way to reduce gas pressure is to walk across the neighbourhood.

Take capsules of peppermint:

Capsules containing peppermint oil might also be beneficial for indigestion and accompanying gas. 

Try taking gas relief pills:

Over-the-counter anti-gas medicines can also help eliminate extra air out from the gastrointestinal tract. But, it is suggested that you should take medicines as advised by your doctor. 


These yoga asanas and other ideas to reduce boating will help you get rid of gas, flatulence, indigestion, and other health issues. Consult with your doctor and your fitness instructor before starting any type of yoga practice. When starting for the first time, you should make sure you practice these asanas with appropriate instruction.



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