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HomeYoga12 Fertility-Boosting Yoga Moves

12 Fertility-Boosting Yoga Moves

The incidences of infertility have been increasing in recent times. With busy schedules and changing lifestyles, it is becoming difficult for couples to have babies even if they want it eagerly. The causes of infertility are many. It could be due to a problem in the reproductive system of any or both partners. But, in many cases, women fail to conceive because of physical and mental stress. Stress can also decrease the number of sperms in men which can cause infertility. 

Stress can be of different types. It could be related to work, family, etc. In addition, waiting for a prolonged time to have a kid might be distressing. Our bodies are greatly impacted by stress which causes several hormonal abnormalities, which lead to many ailments, and the most common problem is infertility. Research has previously established that pressure significantly hinders a person’s ability to reproduce. Six out of every ten couples are said to experience difficulty conceiving.

Doing yoga helps deal with such situations and increases the chances of pregnancy. Yoga is a relaxing activity thus; it helps couples to throw away their physical tension and mental stress. This increases their fertility rate and chances of pregnancy are increased. 

The Various Yoga Techniques for Fertility

To increase fertility, you should practice these easy-to-do but effective yoga positions every day. 


When performing this Hastapadasana, you must be careful when touching your feet. It stretches out almost every one of the important back muscles, enhancing blood flow to the pelvic area and the nerve system. Such yoga position increases spinal cord flexibility and reduces tension from the stomach region.


The ovaries and uterus are stimulated by Paschimottanasana. These muscles around the lower spine, hips, and hamstrings are stretched when bending forward. With this specific yoga, you may progressively increase your fertility levels while removing tension and anxiety.

Janu Shirasana:

Since Janu Shirasana can tone your lower core muscles, it could be quite helpful during pregnancy. This pose helps strengthen the calf muscles and softens them. It calms your body and mind. 

 Baddha Konasana:

Baddha Konasana increases the mobility of your intimate portions and hip regions by stretching your inner thighs, pelvis, and knees. Discharge of poisonous chemicals and unfavourable energy from the hip and waist regions is beneficial. The plentiful blood flow stimulates your pelvis, stomach, and back.

Men get more sparks when their thighs are bigger. It benefits women as it reduces irregular menstruation. Regular practice of this yoga pose helps in increasing the chances of pregnancy and also safe delivery


Kapalhbhati Pranayama:

This yoga position improves the amount and integrity of reproduction cells and also purifies blood cells. You have to sit comfortably keeping your spine erect. Your hands are on your knees. You take a deep breath. While you exhale, you have to pull your abdomen towards the back. While you relax your abdomen, the air automatically gets into your lungs. Do it 20 times for one round. 

Nadi Shodhan Breathwork:

This easy breathing method aids mental and physical relaxation by releasing built-up stress. Additionally, it aids in clearing the nerves (micro-energy pathways), which makes blood flow more easily. This yoga provides you comfort while pushing your mind and body, which improves digestion and helps you understand your pregnancy process from a different angle.

Bhramari Pranayama:

Bee breathing or Bhramari immediately relieves our body from tension, rage, and anxiety. Improved physical and mental health increases the likelihood of conception. The technique involves placing your index fingers into the ears, breathing through your nose, and exhaling while humming. This is a dynamic vibration that is found in your pituitary gland, another of the human body’s major organs.

Supporting Head Stand:

This yoga posture needs lots of concentration. It is a difficult posture to do. It helps in stimulating the hormone release from the hypothalamus. It is advised that you do this yoga asana with the help of a trained instructor. 

Stand with shoulders supported:

You have to put the weight of your body upon your shoulders during this position. It helps enhance the blood circulation in the pelvic area. The position helps to relax your feet, legs, and neck area. It also boosts your chances of getting pregnant if your fertility level is average.

Viparita Karani:

Contrarily, this condition reduces back discomfort and enhances blood circulation to your pelvic area.


Meditation helps in releasing your mental tension. Meditation is also helpful in enhancing the concentration level of a person. When you try conceiving, your mental agonies may hinder the process. Doing meditation daily will ease your mental pressure and increase your chances of pregnancy.  


Yoga requires patience and skill, which take time. You will benefit from doing these yoga asanas only when you think positively. It is also advised to make meditation a part of your daily routine. You should stop thinking negatively about your infertility and practice these yoga postures regularly to get desired results. 



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