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13 Lower Back Stretches Inspired by Yoga to Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

Many people have trouble with their lower backs, so stretches for the lower back should be a big part of how you move. This is true whether you want to get rid of lower back pain or just want to strengthen your lower back muscles with gentle stretches. This is where yoga for the spine and other important back parts comes in. Following are 13 yoga poses that will help reduce your lower back pain. Let’s check it out.

1.Child pose 

Start in table top posture, hands under shoulders, knee under hips. Extend your arms and palms flat on the ground. Gradually sit your hip back into your heels, lowering your chest and head as you reach the wall. If this stretching is too excessive, prop yourself up with a pillow to decrease the low-back stretch.

2.Happy baby pose

In a supine posture with your backside on the mat, curve your knee, so your heels pound the ceiling. Lock your elbows inside the knees and grab the outsides of your feet. To massage your lower back, flex your feet into your hands and keep still or rock side to side.

3.Half Lord of the Fishes

Put your legs out in front of you while sitting (dandasana). Raise your right leg and put your foot next to your left knee. Bend your left leg and put your left foot outside the right hip. Ground through the hip bones and breathe as you obtain length in your spine. Put your right hand behind you, hook your left elbow over your right knee, and gently twist.

4.Forearm plank

From the top of a push-up, place your forearms directly under your shoulders on the mat. Based on how your shoulder feels, you can put your hands together or put your forearms next to each other. Engage your core and kick through your heels. Retain for at least 35 seconds and work your way up to a minute.


5.Bridge pose

Bend your legs and put both feet on your yoga mat while you’re on your back. Ensure your feet are about the width of your hips and your heels are close to the glutes. You can lift your hips by pressing into your feet. From here, try to soften around the sacrum and stretch your sit bones towards your knees.

6.Pigeon pose

Start with your feet together in Downward-Facing Dog. Then, lower both your legs to the floor by drawing your left knee forwards and turning it to the left. For an extra hamstring stretch, seasoned Pigeon posers can bring their rear feet off the floor and towards their back. Switch sides and repeat as required.

7.Supine twist

Start on your backside with bent knees and flat feet. T-pose your arms. Keep your shoulders on the ground while rolling your knees to one side. Hold for 25 to 30 seconds, then switch sides. If the stretching is excessive, lay a cushion or blankets beneath your knees.

8.Knee-to-chest stretch

Lying down on your backside with bent knees and flat feet. Put your hands behind or below your kneecaps. Slowly lift both knees to your chest with your hands. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. After that, move your hip side to side, upwards, and downward to massage your lower back.

9.Supine figure 4 stretch

Lying down on your backside on your yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Raise your right leg, flex the right foot, and cross the right ankle over the left thigh. If this is enough, stay here. If you want to make it harder, bring the left knee in and keep it behind your left thigh. Retain for 15 to 20 breaths, and then change sides.

10.Cow-face pose

Move your left foot to your right glute while seated, keeping your left knee straight. Now stack your right and left knees, so they face front. It’s fine if they don’t stack perfectly. The toes should point behind you. Sit tall with a small forward bend to maximize intensity.

11.Legs up the wall pose

Legs up the wall pose, which is also termed Viparita Karani. It is a relaxing pose that will help your hip and lower back feel less tight. This posture is also good for bringing anxious or tense energy down to the earth.

Lying down on your backside with your buttocks up towards a wall. Your legs will go up the wall, making your body look like an L. Take deep breaths and chill out for up to 2 minutes.

12.Extended Puppy Pose

Begin by getting down on both knees. Bring your forehead to the floor and put your hands in front of you. You’ll feel like you’re getting into a child’s pose, but in an extended puppy pose, you have to keep your bottom in the air. Take a deep breath, and then let the stretch fall away from the tension in your shoulders. 

13.Plank pose

Start on your knees and hands and put your forearms on the ground. Raise your body up on your toes until it is parallel to the floor. Don’t lift your rear end. Retain this posture for 30 to 60 seconds while you breathe. If your lower back starts hurting, you should get down immediately.


These are some of the most effective yoga poses that will help you in relieving pain in your lower back. If you practice these yoga poses, you will definitely get a better result. 



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