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HomePlant CareSeeds5 Most Serious Mistakes When Growing Seedlings

5 Most Serious Mistakes When Growing Seedlings

Before letting you know the mistakes you may often make in your garden. One should understand there is nothing wrong if you are making mistakes, because success comes after learning the mistakes.

If mistakes won’t happen you can’t realize how hard that work is. And most importantly you know the worth you are doing, isn’t it true? So, take your mistakes positively and start your successful journey from today.

In this article, we have shared the most common mistakes that beginners make. So, let us see!

Five seedling mistakes and how to fix it

1. Growing seeds at the wrong time

The biggest reasons why gardeners face this issue- some crops have hot weather while some do not. Therefore, it becomes hard to decide which crop you should work according to the weather conditions.

Let us take an example, suppose you are going to grow the first part dialed-in and have chosen the seeds that should grow in the garden, and what’s the right time to grow them. If you start seeds that grow in cool weather then you have to wait for the right time and climate.

How to fix- choose the seeds that are better for 6 months, which means you can sow seeds in spring season and harvest after the time is completed.

2. Avoid seedling details

Most of us ignore reading the seedling details, which results in bigger mistakes. The ideal details such as sow time, how deep you need to sow seeds, and more. With this information, you can get an idea how to work. Thus, we recommend everyone to read the whole details carefully. So, you won’t need to stress anything.

3. Using wrong soil

Another big mistake we make is selecting the wrong choice for crop. Every crop has its own seeds and soil requirements, and if you choose the wrong one you can’t get the results. Sometimes the wrong use of soil invades the pests and diseases in crops.

How to fix- Choose the right soil and always start with fresh, clean, and bagged soil. So, you can promote the right germination of seeds.

4. Not Providing light to seeds

If you see taller seedlings, then it does not mean you have adequate growth. But you should think the opposite, because taller seedlings are the sign of lack of light. It is often known as leggy.

To make your seedlings healthy and strong make sure veggies get 12-18 hours of direct light and at least 8 hours of dark light for sufficient growth.

How to fix- Grow your plants in lights to your seedlings. You can use grow lights as a supplement to make your plants healthy.

5. Watering

The most common issue that can cause seedlings to die is watering too little or too much. Plants breathe through water, and if they have adequate water they survive and give you healthy growth. Furthermore, you have to water the plants according to the seedlings and crop type. Watering too much or too little can damage the crop and more likely to cause issues.

How to fix- To maintain the moisture level, one should pre-moisten seeds. And follow the watering guidelines to enjoy healthy growth.


Different gardeners have different methods, so follow the above techniques and avoid mistakes to have healthy and great growth of crops.



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