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HomeYoga5 Yoga Asanas to Treat Migraine Headaches without Any Side Effects

5 Yoga Asanas to Treat Migraine Headaches without Any Side Effects

Migraine is such a deliberating health issue that does not have any cure in medical science. Migraine begets severe headache, and sometimes it brings nausea, puking, and sensitivity to light and sound. Moreover, sometimes the pain becomes unbearable. Some medications can curb the pain but can never cure it. But with the help of yoga, you can take curative measures to combat migraine.

You can try medications, but these medicines are full of side effects and cannot cure migraine. Until you take the pills, it will restrict your headache, but as soon as you stop taking the pills, you will again experience the pain.

If you are the one who is troubled with this problem and want a remedy, then here are 5 yoga poses that curb your migraine headache without any side effects. If you know the struggle, you might feel anything for curing migraine; you must give these yoga poses a shot.

5 Effective Yoga Asanas to Treat Migraine Headaches without Any Side Effects

 Migraine does not have any age limit; it can affect anyone from 6 to 40 years old. To illustrate, it is a common problem affecting 15.3% of a nation’s population. This article intends to show some effective yoga methods that can actually curb the migraine headache and not only that doing it regularly can prevent the ailment from coming again.

1.Cat and Cow Pose: 

If you love to do exercise, you might already know this yoga posture. Moreover, it is a very famous and effective yoga posture.

Know the drill:

To know how to do this pose, you need to follow some steps, and they are:

  • Start by making a posture that you like tabletop with your hands and knees on the floor.
  • When inhaling, you need to drop your belly towards the mat and look at the vault.
  • Then, slowly you emanate and bend your spine a little. After that, place your chin between your thighs.
  • Why should you do this?

Doing the cat and cow pose several times not only bails out the tension in your muscles but also helps maintain the proper blood circulation in the body. Moreover, this provides more oxygen to your brain, and thus you stay out of migraine.

2. Child’s Pose:

This pose is very effective but very simple. When you are accustomed to the pose, you can happily do it as it takes less effort but is more efficacious.

  • Know the drill:

To know the drill, you need to do nothing, just:

  • Sit down on your knees with keeping your toes close to each other.
  • Then free your torso onto the floor between your thighs and stretch your hand in front of the floor.
  • Keep your forehead against the floor and sway your forehead side to side.
  • Why should you do this?

A child’s pose is a great exercise for your upper body. In fact, it bails out the tension from the upper body, back, spine, shoulder, etc. And doing this supports the blood flow to the brain. Again by keeping your forehead against the ground, you are creating a pressure point that helps reduce migraine headaches.

3.Forward Bending Pose:

This pose is an effective measure for so many physical ailments. It can cure your bowel and migraine problems, and many more.

  • Know the drill:
  • Sit on the floor with your legs placed straight forward.
  • Slowly inhale, put your hands overhead skyward, curl in the front, and reach towards your feet.
  • You can slightly bend your knees for the availability of the feet and touch the feet with your palms.
  • Why should you do this?

In this pose, your whole body is active and taking part. Your spine is stretching forward, releasing the tension from your shoulder, and these are the problems that often cause headaches. Thus, it helps cure migraine.

4.Downward Dog:

Another very famous exercise for the fitness enthusiast and very easy to perform.

  • Know the drill:
  • Stand straight on your mat and slightly bend forward, placing your hand onto the mat and making a tabletop position.
  • Place your hands a bit forward than your head
  • Then release your torso downward and relax your head and shoulder.
  • Why should you do this?

In this position, you are posing differently, and it helps flow the blood towards the head. Therefore, it helps with migraine headache problems.

5.Legs Up The Wall:

It is a great way to release your body tension and apart from that it is very easy to do also.

  • Know the drill:
  • Lay down on your back on the floor and look at the roof.
  • Then pull up your legs up the ceiling and stay in that position. You can take a help of a wall of your life, or you can do it all yourself.
  • Why should you do this?

In this position, just like a downward dog, your blood circulation is happening in the opposite direction. Thus, it helps in migraine.



Yoga poses are very effective and easy to do, and the most awesome thing about these 5 yoga Asanas is that you can do them anywhere at any time you feel convenient. However, before doing this, Asanas hint that you must know the drill. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself while doing this.









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