Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeIndoor PlantsSmall Balcony8 Best plants you should grow on the kitchen window

8 Best plants you should grow on the kitchen window

Do you want to grow some plants on your kitchen windows? If yes, then the very first thing you need to keep in mind is that plants need some air and light. So, if you think your kitchen’s Windows receive some light and air so you can pick the best plants that you should grow in your kitchen.

  1. Basil
    Growing basil in the sunny kitchen, where the plant receives extreme sunlight and warmth. This will help to grow fresh basil leaves for pasta, salads, soups, and pesto.
  2. Oregano
    Oregano is known as the most useful kitchen ingredient not just for adding flavors to the food but also has some health benefits. You can grow a game easily in a container or Sunny kitchen Windows will need to choose a south-facing window that could be ideal support to thrive.
  3. Mint
    Mint is also the most useful kitchen ingredient that is best known for improving digestion, adding flavors to the food and improving the flavor of the cocktail. This is a good kitchen Window herb, which can be easily grown.
  4. Sprouts
    The healthiest food and perfect meal for weight loss are sprouted. To grow these all you need a quart jar and a few tablespoons of sprouting seeds. Also, the water is to add nutrition and healthy sprouts in your kitchen garden.
  5. Garlic
    Garlic is also one of the best kitchen ingredients used in almost all kitchens to add flavors to the food. If you want to grow garlic happily on a window then you need a 6-8 inches small pot and make sure they have well-drained soil and keep it every 2-4 hours long in the sun.
  6. Tomatoes
    Tomatoes are a rich source of nutrients and cherry-like glowing skin. So, growing tomatoes can be beneficial not just for enjoying the fresh flavor, but also for having a great texture to your skin. Make sure you have four to six hours of Sunlight daily on the window to enjoy the fresh and organic tomatoes.
  7. Aloe
    Aloe Vera is the most common ingredient used for improving skin health and healing wounds. This is another spice from the Aloe genius that can be easily grown on the windows. It needs only bright light and little water to grow happily.
  8. Sedums
    You may not have heard it before but this is the most loved and round-shaped leaf flower with attractive colors of green, yellow and orange. This is another minimal care plan that you can easily place on your kitchen Windows.


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