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HomeOutdoor PlantsGrowing Fruits8 The Best Ways to Grow Blueberries At Home In Containers

8 The Best Ways to Grow Blueberries At Home In Containers

Do you like eating blueberries but don’t know how to grow them? Don’t worry; you can get the best guide to help you grow blueberries in the containers at your house. Growing these berries in containers will not be tough; in fact, blueberries can thrive by giving plenty of berries with the right process.

Remember, growing berries in pots or even in the garden requires a good amount of patience and care. To grow these in your container to grow this sweet-loaded sweet fruit, you need to follow these steps:-

1. Choose the right containers.

It would help if you opted for the largest pot for blueberries, at least 18 inches deep, with ample drainage holes in it. As other deep pots and wide containers are usually the best for blueberry. If you want to grow the plants for the long term, opt for pots with drainage holes and a weatherproof pot.

2. Buying plants of blueberries

To ensure the growth and production of the fruit, make sure you buy 2-3 plants. As for better growth, they need cross-pollination from two different varieties of the plant. The right variety of specie of the plant varies on your area’s climate.

3. Soil preparation

Acidic soil is the most suitable for blueberries, and the pH level required to absorb nutrients , water apt in producing berries is b/w 4.0 to 4.8. The soil having blueberry-friendly potting mix can be created or bought both.

To create the right mix, fill the pot 2/3 with regular potting mix and add the potting mix like azaleas or camellias (acid-loving plants). To that, these mixes are easily available at nurseries.

4. Blueberry planting

The best time to plant or repotting the blueberry bushes is early fall or late summer. Make sure you plant the bushes in the soil deeply as there were planted in the nursery pots. You can also add soil if you think it is required but leave the top inch. To eliminate the air gaps, water them immediately; this will also help settle the soil around the roots.

5. Proper Water & Light Maintenance

Blueberry needs a good amount of watering; in short, they need well-draining soil and consistently moist texture, not soggy. Always check the soil with your finger, even after it rains, for knowing the amount of moisture in the soil.

These plants need sunlight 6-8 hours per day. But if you live in a very hot area, you prefer keeping them in light shade to avoid overheating. Use your watch to estimate the hours in full sunlight to know the right time. Then, make sure sunlight gets to every corner of the plant or move them accordingly.

6. Fertilizing

Single feeding of the fertilizers in the early spring works well. As the plant doesn’t like too much to fertilization, so you can opt for organic fertilizers and make sure to monitor the soil’s pH regularly after fertilizing. It should vary b/w 4.0-4.8

The best option to fertilize is first to choose for half dose and then gradually add light doses monthly in the growing season.

7. Other Issues

Not just humans, birds and even small creatures like squirrels. The best way of protection from these is bird netting before the berries start ripping. And to eliminate the fungi and insects from your berries, go for the pesticides that are safe for edible plants.

Your plant can also be affected by chlorosis; it leads to the yellowing of leaves. In addition, it means that the pH of the soil is high; acidifying these with acid-loving plants fertilizer is the best solution for the soil.

8. Winterizing

Even in winters, don’t let your plant dry, though they won’t need much watering. Usually, blueberries are tough plants, but if your area has cold, windy air. Then keeping the containers with the support of your sidewalls to protect them in winters, as it will be much needed.

Blueberries are of multiple varieties from high bush to low bush; also protect your berries when they start producing, and as said, good care and full sunlight will make your plant thrive and bear the tasty homegrown berries.



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