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HomePlant CareCompost5 Tips to Maintain Aloe Vera Plant in Monsoon

5 Tips to Maintain Aloe Vera Plant in Monsoon

Aloe vera is one of the magical plants known for its proven healing properties and also for its easy-to-care nature. It is a popular choice for indoor & outdoor gardening. However, the monsoon season can present several unique challenges when it comes to the maintenance of this particular resilient plant. Limited sunlight and excessive moisture can potentially harm aloe vera plants in case they are not managed properly. Here are a few of the top and effective tips that will keep your aloe vera plant healthy & thriving during the monsoon.

  1. Ensuring Proper Drainage

Aloe Vera plants are very susceptible to rotting of roots if they are overwatered or left in waterlogged and excessive damp soil. During the monsoon season, it is very important to ensure that your plant’s pot has adequate drainage provision. You should ideally choose a pot with several drainage holes and use well-draining soil, like as a mix of sand, potting soil, and gravel. This particular combination very well helps in preventing water from getting accumulated at the roots of the aloe vera plant and reduces the risk of the roots getting rotted.

Aloe Vera Plant in Monsoon 1

  1. Limiting Watering

While the monsoon season brings in a lot of moisture in the atmospheric air, it is crucial to avoid overwatering your aloe vera plant. The nature of aloe vera plants is such that it stores water in its fleshy, thick leaves and does not require any kind of frequent watering. This is especially true during the rainy season. So, you should necessarily check the soil moisture before you water your aloe vera plant. In case the top 1-2 inches of the soil feel dry, then it is the right time to water the aloe vera plant. Also, you should avoid exposing an aloe vera plant in a water-logged condition.

Aloe Vera Plant in Monsoon 3

  1. Providing Adequate Light

Monsoon clouds can limit the amount of natural sunlight that your aloe vera plant receives. Aloe vera thrives in indirect, bright sunlight. So, it is essential to ensure that your plant receives enough light even during the course of rainy season. If possible, you should move your aloe vera plant to such a spot where it can receive more sunlight, like as near a south-facing window. Alternatively, you should consider using supplement natural night in case your aloe vera plant is placed indoor and if the room is dark even during the day due to excessive cloudy weather.

  1. Protecting from Excessive Rain

In case your aloe vera plant is placed outdoors, you should necessarily keep an eye that it does not receive excessive rainfall. Continuous exposure to heavy rain can likely damage the aloe vera plant and cause waterlogging. You should consider moving your plant indoors or to a sheltered space during the course of heavy downpours. If bringing it indoors isn’t an option, you should cover the plant with a transparent sheet or even consider to place the plant under a roof or balcony that offers some kind of protection while still allowing some amount of light to filter through.

Aloe Vera Plant

  1. Monitoring for Pests

The monsoon season is a time which can attract a lot of pests like slugs, snails & fungal infections that can potentially harm your aloe vera plant. So, you should regularly inspect your plant for any kind of disease or pests. In case you notice something abnormal, you should certainly use natural remedies like mild soap solution or neem oil that will effectively treat the affected areas of the aloe vera plant. It is an imperative to keep the surroundings of your aloe vera plant clean and free from any kind of debris or decaying leaves. It will reduce the risk of pest infestations.

Maintaining an aloe vera plant during the monsoon season requires little or extra care, but by following these particular tips, you can ensure your plant stays vibrant and healthy. Proper drainage, adequate light, controlled watering, protection from excessive rain, & regular monitoring for pests are keys to help your aloe vera plant thrive during the rainy season. With a bit of attention, your aloe vera plant will certainly continue to grow strong & provide a long list of benefits throughout the year.



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