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HomeGardenContainer GardensA Complete Guide to grow common grape vines in your home

A Complete Guide to grow common grape vines in your home

So, are you a grapes lover? Probably yes, this is why you have landed on the page to know the process of how you can grow your favourite grapes in your home.

Before jumping to the steps, let’s talk about grapes.

The common grapes are usually grown to make wine, and in European Grape, it is known as Vitis Vinifera or wine grapes. However, many varieties of grapes are available, although some of their variants are highly important. Besides wine, common grapes are also used to make raisins, but it is not used commercially.

This fruit may vary in size, colour, and shape. However, the vines have a rapid growth rate and are best planted in the spring season.

How to plant common grapes?

Well, the growing needs usually depend on the variant you are growing. Hence, you have to do plenty of research before getting started.

Please choose the location and research their hot and cold winds, soil type, sunlight, and more essentials you need to focus on for the best growth. You should avoid choosing the location known to frost, as it damaged the first growth of grapes.

Also, do check the pests and diseases that can attack grapes growth. So, you must care for its maintenance. The good thing about common grapes is self-pollinating, so you don’t need to put in the extra effort.

Planting tips:

  • One should plant grapes in early spring for the best growth.
  • Most grape varieties are self-fertile, so you should ask the vendor first about its properties.
  • Next, choose the place which has full sunlight.
  • Then check your soil; it must be deep and moist.
  • You also need to check air circulation; it must be good (not too heavy or light)
  • Next, you should train your grapes vines to grow in an upward direction. This will reduce the risk of being infected with diseases.
  • Before planting grapevines, soak the roots in water for at least 2-3 hours.
  • Space the vines 6-10 feet apart
  • Water your plant timely
  • Trim off broken roots and set the vines to grow in a great way.

Essential care tips you should know about

Here’s how you can care about grapes and enjoys their best growth

  1. Light- Grapes need full sunlight to proliferate. Expert’s said vines planted to southeast direction often produce well.
  2. Soil- The everyday grape demands well-drained soil for its best growth. Loamy soil is rich in its remarkable growth.
  3. Water- it doesn’t require an excess of water. Choose the ground that is highly moist and providing good drainage.
  4. Temperature- they usually do best in the hardiness zone of 6 or more. They need warm, calm, and long climate to produce organic grapes.

What are the Varieties of common grapes?

As we said, there are many varieties of Vitis vinifera, in which few numbers vines are used to prepare wine. Before planting different vines, one should research well for soil type, water, light and more.

Here are the best grapes varieties that can sway your taste

  • Chardonnay
  • Pinot blanc
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Pinot Noir

Growing grapes through seeds

If you grow grapes through seeds, the germinating will take up to 12 months. A cold atmosphere is the best for its best growth. However, seeds must go through two-month in cold stratification period to boost their successful germination process.

We hope with this post, you got to know the essential care and growing grapes tips. So, what are you waiting for? Start growing grapes today!



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