Farting or passing gas is a normal body function. It is as necessary as breathing. Everyone farts, but it can cause embarrassment in some cases. Accumulation of gas in the body can also cause discomfort at times. Excess accumulation of gas can happen due to body intolerance toward certain food. Less physical activity can also lead to excessive gas formation and cause flatulence. The gas formation can also be due to certain health conditions or digestive problems. Whatever the reason of gas formation is, we look for measures that aid in farting and give us relief.
Poses for gas release
There are some yoga asanas or poses which help in farting. These poses can be tried out anywhere if necessary, but as relaxing is crucial for being capable of releasing gas, it’s important for an individual to feel relaxed where they are.
Poses that are discussed below facilitate in the passing of gas:
Pose of a child:
The child’s pose is one of the easiest and the most beneficial yoga poses to pass gas. The posture eases the lower spine and pelvis, and it can ease the passage of gas via the intestines. By raising the bottom higher or widening the hips, any person might change the child’s posture to fit themselves better.

Knees to chest position:
Apanasana, this Sanskrit term for the knees to chest position, translates as a posture of downward travelling energy. This wind-relieving posture is a variant of this position.
Pressure around the stomach can be applied by maintaining this posture for between Fifteen seconds to one minute to encourage the system to fart. Raise the knees upward and hold knees with the arms for a much more soothing option, keeping the head towards the floor.
Holding this posture for a prolonged period could be more pleasant in eliminating intestinal gas.
Happy baby posture:
This happy baby position, thus termed because newborns frequently hold their feet when sleeping on their backs, can help alleviate stress from the lower back and groin and let go of leftover wind from the intestines.
The compression and strain in this posture, which may be maintained for approximately one minute, may aid in releasing of gas. Wrapping a towel, string, or belt around your feet may aid in maintaining the posture when the hands cannot touch the feet.
Forward fold when seated:
Lean forward from your hips while sitting up high on the ground with your legs straight next to you. Without folding your knees, strive to place your chest upon them.
The arms should extend as much as they physically can, up to the feet. The need to pass gas may be triggered by moving forward from your chest, which assist might provide pressure on your abdomen.
In order to relieve excess gas, squatting can provide stress on your stomach’s proper regions.
The act of squatting while maintaining the squat posture is indeed a simple approach to pass gas, regardless of whether it is hallow flat-footed squatting or perhaps a basic standing squat.
Twisting moves are used in a lot of yoga postures and stretching exercises. Twisting exercises can put stress upon the centre and aid in the discharge of gases, including lying on your back and rotating the folded legs from one part of the system to another or rotating the spine while standing.
Other advice for releasing gas
Along with these positions, stroking the belly clockwise may assist release trapped gas, easing cramps, and lessening bloating.
Consuming certain products can help pass out gas and temporarily relieve the body in an emergency. But, you should remember that they are not good for the body if taken regularly.
- Soda water plus carbonated drinks
- Gum chewing
- A few synthetic sweeteners, like sorbitol as well as xylitol
- Over-the-counter medicines
Lowering the urge to fart
The body lets out ingested air and some other trapped gases via farting. While eliminating farts totally may not be achievable, there are several ways to reduce the amount of gas formed in your body.
- East slowly
- Take probiotics
- Take enzyme supplements
- Check if your body has an intolerance for certain foods and keep them away from your diet
- Cut down on sugar foods
- Include fibrous vegetables in the diet
- Cut down on fried foods
- Dairy-based food(especially if the person is lactose-intolerant)
Passing a certain amount of gas from the body is part of regular body function. But, people feel uncomfortable when they have the urge to fart in public places. To avoid frequent farting urges, we must make change our food habits. Being physically active also helps in passing out of gas.