Sunday, March 30, 2025
HomePlant CarePest ControlHow To Get Rid of Mold on Houseplants

How To Get Rid of Mold on Houseplants

Undoubtedly, houseplants are a great way to disinfect the air and clean the environment in the home. Sometimes houseplants develop mold, therefore it becomes more determined to the air than a benefit.

The main reasons for having mold on houseplants are poor maintenance, lack of sunlight, and over-watering. Growing mold on the house plants’ soil or other actual leaves is harmful to the members of the household and the plants. Luckily, there are various ways to get rid of molds. So, have a look below.

Remove mold from soil

  1. The very first way to remove mold from the soil is you need to scoop away the mold. If you see mold on your soil it is likely to be restricted to the top layer. You can use a spoon or any other tool to remove that mold.
  2. When you scoop out the mold then you need to water the plant only after drying out the soil. If your plant requires more soil then wait until the surfaces dry out. Also, you should wait until you do not dry the soil up to 2-3 inches.
  3. To kill the mold spots (cannot grow further) you need to add natural antifungal to your soil. You can sprinkle natural antifungal formulas like baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and many more. This acts as a natural determination to reduce mold growth and keep your plant protective.
  4. When the debris is clean you need to keep the soil clean and free from fungal growth.

Remove mold from plants

  1. To remove mold from the plant first you need to identify the mold is active or dormant. If mold appears light in colour, it will be dormant. And if it looks soft or fussing, mold is active.
  2. Once you identify the mold type in your plant then you need to bring your plants outside. With this, you will keep the mold spreading and make sure you have to insert it in a place which is far away from the other because it will put other plants at risk.
  3. Now use a wet paper towel and wipe the mold from the leaf and freshen your leaves by wiping out each leaf.
  4. If you find the leaves are highly affected you can cut the leaf from the root. So, it won’t affect again. You should use a knife or Caesar to dispose of the leaves.
  5. Once done you need to separate the anti-fungal formula on the leaves and you can get back your plant in Indoors.
  6. If you want to make sure that mold doesn’t come back, keep checking the following.
    • Always keep your plant at a temperature around 70 degrees F.
    • Keep the soil dryer as normal as it should be.
    • Provide your plant advantageous ventilation.

So you have learnt the steps on how to get rid of mold from the plants and soil effectively. Try this now and follow the safety standards.



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