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HomeOutdoor PlantsFlowersRosemary - How to grow at home?

Rosemary – How to grow at home?

Do you want to grow Rosemary at home? If so, you have landed on the right page. Whether you want to grow from the seed or propagate from the stem cuttings, Rosemary will be a super addition in your home garden so without further ado let’s know the process.

About Rosemary

Rosemary is a well-known herb that is mostly planted in homes for its blue-purple white or pink flowers. This is Evergreen Shrub which is a member of the mint family and classified as perennial. Plus, it continues to regrow as long as it is friendly with the weather.

How to use Rosemary?

You can use Rosemary in three ways as Horticulture, cooking, and fragrance.

In Horticulture, Rosemary is attractively designed and relatively easy to grow. In the cooking, you can use it as an excellent seasoning for the dishes and other delicious dressing over the food, and the last fragrance can provide you great Aroma and provide you a great mix of shampoos, perfumes, and soaps.

How do you grow rosemary?

If you are ready to grow Rosemary in your home, then these are the seven steps you will need to follow.

  1. To get started with, you need to choose a container or a small pot or egg cartoons so you can enjoy the great growth of the plant. You can even choose the seed starting tray with a plastic humidity dome.
  2. Once the container is confirmed you can prepare a seed starting mix. You can create your own by equally parting the partial light and Peat Moss or purchasing the Sterling oil or soilless starting mix.
  3. Your next step is adding the Rosemary seeds. You just need to sprinkle seeds on the top of the seed starting and then cover the seed with a small amount of mix. But don’t forget they don’t need much Sunlight.
  4. You should mist the seeds with water by using a separate bottle and make sure the surface is moist but not sopping. You should lightly water and cover the container, so you can settle the series. Plus, you can cover the container with plastic wrap for the best moisture.
  5. Now store it in sunny weather and warm location until the germination. You can place the seed starting tray somewhere that we see plenty of direct sunlight. If you are using indoor full spectrum light is needed.

    However, if you are unable to find the Sunny area in the house or your garden you should remove all the plastic covers and lightly Mist with the water until it is moist.
  6. When the Rosemary seedlings emerge or germinate from the soil, place them in Shallow water then keep it indirect light.
  7. The last step is to transplant the seedlings which are three to six inches tall into Rosemary seedlings in compost-rich soil with having a good drainage system. Transfer the Rosemary seedling to a garden bed if you want to keep it alive during cold days.

    Follow these seven easy steps and start growing your rosemary at home. Happy gardening!


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