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HomePlant CareCompostThe disadvantage of Pouring Coca-Cola - Soda on Plants as fertilizers

The disadvantage of Pouring Coca-Cola – Soda on Plants as fertilizers

Water is essential for plants’ growth. We know the right ways of watering the plants if we are into gardening. Different types of water like tap water, mineral water and distilled water are used for watering the plants. We all know that water is good for the growth and well-being of plants, and there may be several other liquids that can prove to be quite beneficial for the plants. 

Effect of Pouring Coca-Cola – Soda on Plants as fertilizers

Now a frequently asked question is what is the effect if you pour Coca-Cola – Soda water on the plants as fertilizers? Let us check out the answer to this. 

Carbonated sugar or aerated water often contains a large number of sugars. Thus, they cannot be utilized as fertilizers. Just like how excess sugar can lead to roots clogging, which eventually prevents the nutrients uptake, sugar also inserts the same effect on the plants. 

Plain carbonated water usually contains several micronutrients like oxygen, carbon, phosphorous, hydrogen, sodium, potassium, Sulphur etc., which are highly beneficial for the healthy growth of the plants. When the plants’ roots absorb these nutrients, this encourages the plants’ rapid growth. 

Diet sodas usually have very little or no sugar content but do not have any added benefit to the plants. Hence, the most cost-effective option is water compared to diet sodas. 

While water is one of the best choices for plants, carbonated soda usually does not harm the plants, which may eventually result in healthier, larger & more vivid plants. 

As Coca Cola contains a very high sugar content, this is inadvisable to pour this on the plant roots. This will certainly kill the plants. 

A study was conducted on this question 

In the year 2002, a study at the University of Colorado revealed the results of watering BABY Tears or Helzine soleirolii with club soda. During this experimentation, which ranged up to 10 days, the research experts opted to feed the plants under consideration with two different kinds of foods. They also gave them the same kind of fertilizer & exposed these plants to the same level of sunlight. They watered these plants with plain water in one group and club soda in another. 

The researchers finally found that those plants that receive club soda grew more than twice as fast as the other group. They expected this particular thing to happen as there are several nutrients in the club soda. The results were confirmed in a fool-proof manner which surprised the researchers. 

What are the major reasons why club soda acts preferably to plants? 

Club soda, as well as several other carbonated beverages that are unsweetened, like mineral water, contain several nutrients that are essential for the growth of the plants. These specifically include the following minerals in abundance: 

  • Oxygen
  • Carbon
  • Phosphorous
  • Hydrogen
  • Sulfur
  • Potassium
  • Sodium

Plants usually receive these nutrients from the soil in a natural way as well when you water the plants with normal plain water. Whereas, when you water the plants with club soda water, this usually becomes supercharged water. In such a case, the roots absorb all the nutrients very quickly and go straight into the roots. This necessarily does not mean that you will continually water your plants with club soda water. The best strategy is to use club soda once in a while for a short period to water the plants. This will prove to be optimal and beneficial for the plants.

The bottom line is that club soda without any sugar content is beneficial for the growth of the plants, whereas pouring Coca Cola soda on plants as fertilizers will only kill the plants as this liquid contains a large quantity of sugar. 



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